Top 10 Reasons To Switch To Linux

The vast majority of the world runs the windows os as their primary operating system but today I'm gonna tell you the top 10 reasons that you should switch your operating system from Windows to Linux. Believe me, the reasons are quite impressive and are also related to the security issues of the system.

Top 7 Reasons To Switch To Linux

If you need reliability to run the servers and to store any kind of data on the cloud servers etc etc.... LINUX is for you and even if you work for your office etc purposes then also Linux makes sure that you are secure with your private data and also makes sure that there are no privacy-related issues to be encountered towards your personal files and can keep your workflow smooth and reliable.

Why choose Linux over Windows?

That's a big question mark that every windows user asks and it's fair, important to know the advantages and the disadvantages of the Linux as well as the windows operating system.

You Must Know This: Even Microsoft uses Linux for its Azure.

10 Reasons You Should Switch Your Operating System Right Now.

1. It's free and doesn't require any of the license keys or no specific hardware requirements to use Linux just  download it and you're good to go:

Why is it free?

Because the global community of the free source developers help and fund the Linux to find and fix the errors to make it more stable for the rest of the worldwide users. The huge number of peoples who are constantly working towards the development and stabilization of the operating system is what keeps it free and bug-free and reliable. Linux foundations are also backed by major internet companies like IBM, Google, Microsoft, Intel, oracle, NES, Qualcomm, etc, etc.

It has good features and provides good stability for the minimum requirements hardware specifications. It has a better user experience which makes it more powerful.

2. Software management:

Linux uses package managers like app pkg rpm, they automate the install and uninstall quite easy. although it is quite the same as windows still Linux provides its own app store too which allows you to find and download multiple software that you like to work with or play with.

it's powerful enough to update your whole system with one single command all you need is a terminal to fire the command and your good to go for the latest security patches and the system is fully updated to the latest version of the available distro.

Linux doesn't force you to update your system, you can update it whenever you want or you don't update it at all. The choice is yours.

It has a live kernel which means the system can be updated while the os is in running state and it does not require any major reboots like windows.

3. Performance

Lightweight and portable enough to run at low-end computers to supercomputers without many complex requirements of hardware.

Fact: Even the Smart Toasters and other IoT devices are working on the system of Linux which makes it more powerful to be able to make things work in IoT devices.

4. Stability:

Once its configured and installed properly. You can get on it to do all the tasks that you've been doing on the windows machine without any problems because its just a lightweight os which gives good stability since there's not much pressure or loads on ram unless you're doing some heavy tasks on it and the system ram requirements are also too low as compared to windows which makes it load faster and once you get rid of all the updating stuff that is going on in the background you are ready to experience a flawless experience of the Linux operating system.  And even if the updates are available and there are some issues in the update then the community is always ready to poke the problems and to fix them within fewer times.

5. Spying, Privacy, And Transparency:

It also you to know and to see al the services and tasks that are ongoing on the computer system without hiding any of the services or tasks. It's all transparent. It's much secure because it is open source and many other developers see and check the codes of the operating system which makes it easy to figure out if there are any flaws in the builds of the distro.

On Ubuntu, you can opt-out of the data collection feature or you can view the data that has been collected.

6. Customizations:

You can customize almost anything with the UI, it allows even making your own themes for your system. KDE allows you to make more customizations. If you don't like GUI then you can navigate the whole system just with the terminal sounds cool, isn't it?

7. Command-line/Terminal

Linux terminals are powerful enough to control the whole system without any GUI the Terminal is soo powerful that it can access any file or application with some commands. So if you're a type of person who doesn't like the GUI then the Linux terminal is enough and good to get to work for you.

Conclusion: Linux is better than any other OS that you will find in the Market, Its a little bit tricky at the beginning for new users but once you get used to it you will never roll back to windows again and that's a promise!

You May Try one of these top most widely used Linux distros below, I will provide the link for downloading the official iso/image of the OS from the official website.

Here are some top most widely used distros:
You can directly click on the distro name to begin the download from the official link.

Top 7 Reasons To Switch To Linux

Note: Make sure you check out your laptop architecture whether it is 64 bit or 32 bit and download the one which supports your system architecture.

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