Can COVID 19 spread through nosocomial infection????

Is COVID 19 a droplet infection???

Before going through this u must know regarding the difference between nosocomial infection and droplet infection. Is this both related to each other???

Can COVID 19 spread through nosocomial infection

If yes then how it spreads?????

Let me tell you there's a lot of difference between this both you may need to know let us start with this

COVID 19  is spreading through droplet infection that you must know 
 Some of the rumors have been created on this is COVID 19 has spread through airborne and droplet of COVID19

At the point, we must know that COVID 19 spread through droplet infection 
Now whats this droplet infection and airborne infection
Is this both related to each other or is it related to COVID 19 
As you all have to know that both airborne and droplet infections are different 
of course, both are related to COVID 19

The airborne disease is spread air or through respiration, it also causes respiratory diseases because COVID 19 spread through of  air because of no protection to nose inhalation of air which is infected droplet infection spread through drop molecules of mucus or spitting coughing we need to be understood regarding COVID 19 and its relation to nosocomial related to the hospital it's a medical word related to hospital


In basic its, a hospital-acquired infection that spread through one patient to another patient or one person of hospital personnel to the patient. It can be related somewhat because many of the COVID centers have to use PPE kit for protection in fact they must use according to infection can spread through one person to another by touching n using this which are not sterile.
COVID 19 is one of the droplet infection which can spread by one person to another person by non-protection

#Droplet infection and COVID 19 
yeah it's related because COVID 19 spread through droplet 

Droplet infection spreads via aerosols by touching the infected objects of COVID19 and then using those objects for touching the nose mouth. It can be a towel or room living infectious object 

COVID 19 is a major pandemic disease that spread all over the world. Due to droplets, it spreads fastly. Millions of people lost their lives because of COVID19. Still, man humans are the main source of infection spread mode of infection which spreads COVID 19 is still a human man who doesn't use protection or coverage which is needed.COVID 19 stays in the body 14 days without symptoms called as asymptomatic. In some, it shows symptoms like cough fever but some remain asymptomatic.

#Recent research on COVID 19 
Recent researches state that COVID 19 may be asymptomatic without rapid testing of COVID 19 we couldn't state that asymptomatic person is COVID 19 positive 
As corona needs up to 17 days to spread from infected person to person who is not infected.
A person needs to isolate himself or herself to protect against COVID 19.
A person needs to do protect himself or protect himself by spreading COVID 19.

#Steps/measures to prevent corona from spreading
By some measures as listed below:-

  • By using a mask or covering mask while traveling or going out in a crowd 
  • By washing hands thoroughly with soap neatly 
  • By not touching an object or person 
  • Maintaining 6 feet distance 
  • Avoiding crowd

Day by day COVID 19 cases are increasing a few steps can save a life from spreading the COVID19 we need to concentrate on our living basic protection but need to follow steps to stop spreading the COVID 19 virus.

#Safety measures 3"S"

1.Safety by covering the nose and mouth by the mask.
2.Safety by washing hands
3.Safety by maintaining social distance 

#COVID 19 and vaccine
COVID 19 still didn't get the vaccine on that but we can by safety measures yeah within some days there will be the vaccine. As researches are going on the vaccine.

#Rumours on COVID 19
COVID 19 is not as dangerous as much we think together we can prevent it by spreading 

#COVID 19 spreads through airborne 
Firstly it was a rumor about COVID spreads through a droplet and then COVID 19 spreads through airborne 

We need to concentrate on both words first droplet and airborne 
Airborne if is airborne then it affects mostly to the respiratory system 

If it is a droplet then it affects through the mucus of one person but it still affects  the respiratory system 

COVID 19 is a virus it may spread through mucus or air it will affect to the respiratory system 

#Statement by govt 
We must protect ourselves by measures which are stated by govt our PM NARENDRA MODI JI.
As govt has taken many measures to prevent it from spreading 
Like lockdown unlock system to stop the spreading of COVID 19
Lockdown lasts for 20 days minimum 
Unlock 40 days as it varies from one place to another place 
It depended upon their zone and death rate and also by CM statement taken by a particular state followed by people in a particular state by their rules and regulations COVID 19 is pandemic is spread direct method.

#Simple steps need to be followed
Severe steps that we need to go through by staying home avoiding public places using things that are available at their places and making their best use instead of cursing and don't forget to spread happiness by helping each other.
COVID 19 is a disease it can be preventable its not a major issue.
Don't forget about humanity need to help needy people 
Global pandemic COVID 19 can be prevented by supporting each other not by regretting still, some people didn't take it seriously because of a lack of knowledge.

#Do good in this pandemic era
it's a time to do better things for our country, not only the country also to the state and the world. 

Yes, there's a saying that we must follow not only follow need to understand about this sentence and also need to spread this education to others because prevention doesn't need cost but curing does.

#COVID 19 and its effects 
Affected people by spreading the virus by one individual to another person.COVID-19 is a pandemic but slowly it can reduce but at a time it's possible.

Nothing is impossible as together we can overcome this COVID-19 by treating it well.
Yes together we can 
And the one-day full world will be free of corona COVID-19

Can COVID 19 spread through nosocomial infection

It's nor far this day will be seen soon
As by public support and courage
Together we will we can not immediately but definitely one day we will be free of virus

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