Intel is FINALLY ready with its new 10th Gen Desktop CPUs, Here's everything you need to know.

Intel is FINALLY ready with its new 10th Gen Desktop CPUs

During the last year its been interesting for the Intel, it was a petty and mess for the AMD clobbered them within the desktop market and ended up performing cheap and new Comet Lake cpu's for books were more or less the same in fact just a few weeks ago we got a first taste of AMD's mobile rights and CPUs and the

performance was just through the roof which eventually put intel in a lot of trouble now throughout that whole time people have been asking for a desktop refresh since Comet Lake has been around for more than a year now so today we finally have an answer Intel later this month we'll be launching a load of new Comet Lake tensor CPUs for the

pc or the desktop side and it exactly aligns with Comet Lake processors which was made for higher frequencies and notebooks with a new socket a new platform sorta kinda and oh yeah some interesting prices too so what you'll be seeing over the next few minutes is Intel reflecting on what AMD did back in the FX days you see back then when AMD was still using the same old manufacturing process they had to sacrifice on thermals and power consumption to achieve higher


and it looks like history is about to repeat itself my friends but this time it's coming from Team Blue so after burying their heads in sand without any price cuts for coffee leak and

pretending AMD didn't exist is Intel gonna wake up or is it too late to stop bleeding against risin let's find out after this take your gaming experience to the elite level with view Sonic's xg2 sone series bridging the gap between gamers and people who appreciate color accuracy the XG 2 7qg offers stunning visuals with 165 Hertz 1440p nano IPS board and a squeezing module in the interim the XG 2 7 0 accompanies a blasting quick 1080p 240 Hertz show alongside the unadulterated XV obscure decrease affirmed by blur busters resulting in crystal-clear visuals and fast-moving objects making it the ultimate gaming monitor both also come with RGB ambient lighting and a flexible headphone stand learn more down below alright so I want to start things off with the most important thing and that's the new socket called LGA 1200 design so yes eight and nineteen processors won't be compatible with the new motherboards and the new CPUs can't be installed in the current LGA 1151 socket most of those additional pins are to power the higher-end ten core CPUs but we're told some are also reserved for additional functionality sometime down the road there is some good news though usually Intel keeps their sockets around for two CPU revisions which means technically these new motherboards should be compatible with Intel's and next generation of processors but there's just no real sense in to investing in a new platform if you plan on upgrading so quickly it just doesn't seem practical so I'll get into the new z4 90 motherboards as well as the LGA 1200 socket a bit later on or for now let's focus on these new CPUs is there anything really new well no not really guys since they still use the same architecture as coffee lake but it's been optimized to deliver higher speeds you see in order to deliver those frequencies more consistently Intel needed a way to better manage

temperatures and that means moving to a thinner CPU die that's topped in a soldered thermal interface material and a thicker HS to dissipate heat more evenly also some of these refresh CPUs will have access to turbo boost max 3.0 which singles out the processors to best course and then boost those to higher speeds without increasing voltages and as for how well that translates into the lineup well every processor basically has four different sub models there's the K which includes an IG p and overclocking and the KF that has exactly the same speeds but removes the IGP and costs a bit less any cpu without a letter at the end is meant to offer an IG P and a lower TDP with reduced clock speeds finally there's an F model with identical speeds as the more efficient version but it has disabled graphics core and only the K series CPUs can be overclocked some things you'll see as common on all of these processors are memory speeds of 29 30 megahertz the same 40 platform PCIe lanes as Comet Lake had and the same old UHD 630 graphics so yes Comet Lake is basically a refresh of 9 gen starting right at the top is the i9 ten hundred K which has a ten core 20 threaded layout and it can hit some pretty insane

speeds up to five point three gigahertz when two cores are active to hit those peas with 10 cores Intel needed to up their TDP from the 1900 case 95 watts to a hundred and 25 watts and we all know that number is probably on the low side the other high in CPU in this lineup is the i7 10 708 cores and 16 threads and oddly enough it doesn't have a thermal velocity boost like deep 1019 okay either way this is basically a ninety nine hundred K with higher frequencies and lower pricing what you generally see is Intel trying to align their eye nine with rise nine CPUs the i7 with wiesen seven the i5 s with Rison five and so on but let's talk about that pricing because Intel is trying to be a bit more competitive on that front but still it's gonna be a huge uphill battle against AMD though you see the I $9.99 hundred K had remained pretty much constant at four hundred ninety dollars to five hundred dollars through its lifetime and it's got killed on the value front by AMD now Intel is offering two more cores and for additional threads for the same price which means the ten hundred K ends up competing against a rise in nine thirty nine hundred s that AMD beast has twenty four threats but Intel is betting their higher clock speeds end up resulting in better gaming performance than Rison personally I think the lower-priced market is gonna see some really interesting battles as Intel's i7 hits back at the horizon 7 Arrangement by at long last empowering hyper stringing on the i7 CPUs the 10-7 bury k offers indistinguishable number obviously and dangers from the risin 7:30 800 x at actually a marginally lower cost yet it would seem that Intel's rivaling e 3800 X's proposed cost and that CP has been selling for somewhere in the range of 330 and $350 throughout recent months moving on to the i5 s and the I threes and things get a bit weird first of all none of these processors have turbo boost 3.0 technology which means their highest clock speeds will only be hit with a single core active also for whatever bizarre backwards reason Intel decided to step official memory support down to 26 66 megahertz I just don't get it even the eight series notebooks we checked out recently all the i5s and I threes have support for 29 33 megahertz I mean sure

di wires can't push higher memory frequencies through XMP profiles and Intel contends that higher memory frequencies are essentially required for lower end processors however to me all of this just sounds really really odd either way it's really amazing to see aim D push Intel really hard to increase core counts by name playing hyper threading on all of their i5 and high three CPUs unfortunately the i5 10600 K is the only one that's unlocked so it looks like Intel still wants to limit our clocking access to their higher NC views but let's look at a few

comparisons as you can see intel has progress from six core CPUs with SMT disabled to something like the ten six and a K which is supposed to target aim DS 3,600 X the problem here is the same one I mentioned before a lot of AMD's mid tier processors are selling for much less than they were launched for so while the rise in five you see here was $250 it's now closer to $200 and that means the 10 600 K ends up sitting between the 3600 X and V 3700 X the last CPU I want to really focus on is the i5 10 500 which also has 12 threads and that's a big improvement over the 9500 it's clashing with Andes risin 530 600 which despite everything goes around for $190 so this could be a truly fascinating straight on correlation and let us know whether you're keen on something like this descending from that and there's a huge log jam of four distinctive Intel processors somewhere in the range of 185 and $125 Intel it's clearly doing this since in other locale restricted ascent in 5 3000 arrangement AMD doesn't generally have anything in these extents the nearest they have is the $120 Rison 330 300 X that is propelling next week

I'm guessing Intel's hoping that the a thread I three 10 100 will help out there but I have a feeling that AMD might win that battle to below $100 Intel has quite a few options as well but those are all dual-core chips without even the most basic turbo boost features they're really meant for budget systems and not much else

this also means that

we'll be leaving the hundred dollar horizon 3:30 100 all alone without any competition whatsoever and now what about motherboards well we have a pair of new platforms called z4 90 and h4 70 but from a high-level view a lot of them are just refreshes of z3 90 boards with expanded features and just to be clear comment League CPUs don't have support for PC engine for let's take a look at this Orr's z4 90 master it has

extra power contributions to deal with the new force hungry CPUs all the more high

bandwidth the USB connectors then deedsy through an ad generation and with one other thing yeah all right all right let me explain what's going on here that's PCI gen 4 hardware but these new processors won't have official support for PT Agincourt devices and supposedly a lot of the motherboard manufacturers will start making this claim so what's really going on here well it could be shady marketing or it could be something else it could be a mystery that none of us know but gigabyte did mention that every one of their sheets will have the essential types of gear and PCB follows

so if Intel does decide to launch the next generation processors to have PCI Gen 4 support you know they're already in here so yeah you see that's a pretty large stretch as I would see it since it expect Intel will make up and coming structures drop-in good for LGA 1200 motherboards the other issue truly has to do with DC 490 stage itself yet to comprehend that how about we investigate what it's everything about

right now both VZ 490 chipset and the CPU can only support gen 3 graphics not only that but the DMI interface between the chipset and the processor still uses the old four-lane set up that means it can transfer a maximum of 4 gigabytes per second of data and that isn't enough for Gen 4 on top of all the other i/o so the only option is for the CPU to generate those Gen 4 lanes and

comet-like just can't do that so what's actually new to Z 490 not that much actually there is now integrated Wi-Fi 6 support instead of 802 11 AC and the option for Intel's 2.5 g Len and that's it seriously Z 490 is basically Z 390 with support for Wi-Fi

honestly I really wish that Intel offered a little bit more on the platform front to compete with what AMD has but that's not the case so I didn't even wrap up this disclosed video hope to see our full survey in the following barely any weeks yet from what I can see right now it would appear that Intel may have  something a bit more competitive but would that be enough

I don't really know guys because I mean sure you're getting more cores higher frequencies but there is really not anything new that's going on especially since lack of features on Z 490 I mean I don't see anything remarkable with this new stage and that to me is a piece concerning however what do you all think let us know in the comments down below I hope you guys are staying safe I mean both hurricane axe thank you so much for watching and I'll talk to you guys in the next one

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